
Gerak Gerakkan Cursor :D

Stuffs Miraa's Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! there's nothing much to say. nothing much to tell. :D

My Wish List :)

✖Perform Hajj and Umr'ah with Ayah and Ibu
✖Meet Taylor Swift and Joe Brooks in person
✖Be a SuperHero
✖Be a Musician
✖Make Wishes come true



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Miraa Zee


assalamualaikum ;D
haii peeps~ haha. sorry i haven't write for a while, er.. type, actually. :P
so ibu and ayah are not home, they went to KRABI, somewhere in Thailand,
leaving me with two little monster down here -_-
oh maaaannnnnn. what a tough task. hahaha. so currently i've been working on a song.. which i'm pretty sure, going to turn out not-so-good.

okay so two of my cats, Nureng and Numel (they are sisters, by the way)
gave birth to few ADORABLE KITTENS~ <3>
Nureng gave birth to Kidd and Cadd, which is a week before Numel gave birth to Tas, Cici and Joey. 
i know they were extremely tired. i can see it through their eyes, i talk to cats actually :P
but i know, they'd be okay :)

 and now officially, i have like 5 cats and 5 kittens around the house. gonna add some more :p
i hope Chery would give birth to kitten as well :P