
Gerak Gerakkan Cursor :D

Stuffs Miraa's Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! there's nothing much to say. nothing much to tell. :D

My Wish List :)

✖Perform Hajj and Umr'ah with Ayah and Ibu
✖Meet Taylor Swift and Joe Brooks in person
✖Be a SuperHero
✖Be a Musician
✖Make Wishes come true



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Miraa Zee

moments to be remembered

assalamualaikum :)
so it's been quite sometimes as far as i'm concerned. naaahhh don't miss me :p
 so many things happened between the months, 
some are tragedies, which i prefer not to talk about.
some are of course, something to cherish for :D

oh yeah by the way, JOE BROOKS is coming BACK TO MALAYSIA *like seriously?!*
i'm dying, and yes, this time, i'm going to MAKE SURE i could meet him up.
who care *ayah and ibu, maybe -.-*    

and SPM result was announced, few days back, 
my result wasn't that good but it was not that bad too, like what they say, boleh la :)
5 A, with languages in A+ , Alhamdulillah.
might not be good like the rest, but i did pulled out my best :*
 I'm imperfect, but that's just me :)