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Stuffs Miraa's Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! there's nothing much to say. nothing much to tell. :D

My Wish List :)

✖Perform Hajj and Umr'ah with Ayah and Ibu
✖Meet Taylor Swift and Joe Brooks in person
✖Be a SuperHero
✖Be a Musician
✖Make Wishes come true



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Miraa Zee

start of something new :)

hey people ~ miss me? bet you all do :p
well, playtime's over. i need to focus on my studies. I've been offered a position in KPTM KL (Diploma in Corporate Communication), Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang (Accountancy Programme) and UiTM Alor Gajah (Foundation Studies in TESL)
and i have decided to go for Foundation studies.
So lately nothing much to tell, and yet so many things to do. My registration is on 2nd June 2013 and i'm extremely exhausted with all the preparations. And my knees got weak and everything and what not. I hope I'll do and be good during my time in UiTM. Pray to Allah, insya-Allah everything will turn out just fine.

can't wait for the registration day. Slopes might be treacherous, but life is about taking risks and adventures. I'll be on a roller coaster ride for a year (and yes, Foundation Studies is a one-year programme). And everything will be cherished (I guess :P) I'll try to swerve every little bumps in those dilapidated roads. My hands of fate is all what I've got now. Heyy Mr Adventures. Wait for me, I'll catch you somehow. Till then, I'll be holding on to you .

p/s : Happy Birthday, HH :)